Forge the Game You Want to Play

Forgemasters RPG is an Indie Tabletop Role-Playing Game in development. The game will allow its participants to enjoy their love of epic fantasy role-playing their way. If you are new to gaming, you will be introduced to a new system. If you're a veteran, there is plenty to be familiar with, The rules are flexible enough for those who want LITE play and CRUNCHY enough for those who enjoy the details and nuances of gaming.

Forgemasters RPG is a skill-based system that utilizes a dice pool mechanic to resolve role-playing choices. We are currently in the Alpha Playtesting phase and will update this site as the game progresses.

The anvil of gaming is here. Grab your hammer, and we will give you the key to the forge. Only there will you be able to…

Forge the Game You Want To Play.